Monday, August 1, 2011

"There were promises made in the darkness. Promises made in your sleep. Promises the Gods demand you keep."~

Hi, my name is Hannah. I actually quite like my name because it's rather different. As far as I know I'm the only Hannah in my school, unless some freshman decides to mess that up for me. I would give a bit more of a intro to me, but I've got a feeling that most of the people reading this will be people I know. Or random strangers that I don't want to know anything specific about me. Though I am a generally happy person, I'm into dark things. Like the quote I have for the title. It sounds creepy, which is awesome. It's actually from a play called "Once on the Island" which, believe it or not, is a love story. Other dark things I like is the paranormal and murder. ...don't take that wrong, I don't like killing people or death for that matter. (oh, reminds me of something I saw on Family Feud. The question: what is some news that makes you happy, but a little sad?" The lady said: Death. XP) I just like crime shows like Bones and Criminal Minds and CSI sometimes. Also, Ghost Advenures and Ghost Whisperer because they are both about ghosts. I guess I just like mystery, the unknown. And pirates, but that's not exactly related.

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