Wednesday, April 24, 2013


My laptop is dying.  Why am I writing now?  Well, freshman year is almost over.  I don't know how that went by so quickly.  Its crazy.  Everyday used to be so exciting, and now its just everyday life, even though the same sorts of things happen.  But I love it here.  I love the people and all the places I can go.  I hate the internet however.  I mention that now because I'm pretty sure it just failed.

What a failure!!

I don't really have anything to write about, really.  I mean, I'm sure I do, but its not like anything new has happened.  Housing selection sucks, I have a job (I was dishes), I am rather busy (or at least I was, its dwindling down), and I hardly see all of my friends in one place.  But that's okay, I see them. 

My laptop is no longer dying because I plugged it in.

No, honestly, there's nothing to talk about. Why did I even start this?