Wednesday, April 24, 2013


My laptop is dying.  Why am I writing now?  Well, freshman year is almost over.  I don't know how that went by so quickly.  Its crazy.  Everyday used to be so exciting, and now its just everyday life, even though the same sorts of things happen.  But I love it here.  I love the people and all the places I can go.  I hate the internet however.  I mention that now because I'm pretty sure it just failed.

What a failure!!

I don't really have anything to write about, really.  I mean, I'm sure I do, but its not like anything new has happened.  Housing selection sucks, I have a job (I was dishes), I am rather busy (or at least I was, its dwindling down), and I hardly see all of my friends in one place.  But that's okay, I see them. 

My laptop is no longer dying because I plugged it in.

No, honestly, there's nothing to talk about. Why did I even start this?

Monday, December 10, 2012

Finals Week

Remember when I just started school? Remember before I even started? Orientation?  Wow, have I truly grown.  Mmmm...maybe not grown, no.  Well, yes...I dunno, stop asking me questions!!

So I was in a movie.  I'll leave you a link to the Youtube video when our lovely actors' last names are off the video.  Its not a professional movie, obviously.  My friend made it for her class and I'm the main character in it.  Its a horror movie (never ask me to say that word, by the way, it won't sound quite right...).  This is just a warning, not a deterrent.  You will now know what I look like if you didn't already.  Please, don't find me and stalk me.  Unless you are Sam.  In that case, its not like I can stop you.

At least one person from UNE has found this blog.  This is because in the movie, I search "UNE avila 4th ghost" or something along those lines.  And result number two is this blog!  Number one is an article from the school newspaper explaining the legend.  Read that if you would like. It might explain some things that students at this school already knew so didn't need to be explained to them.  Ah, I talk a lot.  The girl (Halie) found my blog after watching the movie and me mentioning that it was my blog. But she's a friend of mine, so its okay.  But she keeps trying to get me to glow like a tomato like I said I would.  She'll  mention the blog a lot.  I won't give in.  But now that I'm mentioning her...OH the irony.  I'm writing this right now in Sam's room.  I should be studying, but its just stats tomorrow, so I couldn't care less, honestly.  More on that later.  Halie lives on this same floor and the door is open, so she just stopped by in the door to talk.  I don't think she knows I was here though.  But she will now, won't she? Mwahahaha.  Why am I laughing?

Do I always never make sense like this?  I am not truly thinking about what I'm writing, I'm just writing.  And I want to tell so many stories at once.  I go off on tangents, things happen around me. Its like Nic when he's telling me a story.  Or more of ten stories all somehow connected.

Humhumhum.  So it is finals week.  I have three exams and one essay.  I turned in the essay today.  I would say it turned out well.  I think I'm gonna go to bed soon.  This was a pointless entry...

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Heh...I feel awkward now.

So now that I've been here in college for a couple months, I've finally found my place around here. I have myself some best friends and some normal friends. Sam and Chandler and I are going to room together next year in our own suite and every night we can hang out. Or just do homework in our rooms. One or the other. Its nice to know that I have people to love me while I'm here xD. I will always have someone to hang out with here on campus.

So I would say I have a couple groups of friends. Of course some of them overlap because life is never not complicated. So I have Sam and Chandler, who sometimes have a lot of homework to do. Then I have Sam and Eric, though the three of us don't really hang out that much anymore. Then I have my floor people. See, they will accept me in their presence, we'll hang out, but I normally have to go to them. I've only been invited to head over to the room a couple times. And one of those was because Slenderman was messing with my roommate's computer and Marissa was kind enough to save me. (Okay, so maybe not, maybe it just was lighting up randomly when no one touched it. Oh, and speaking of roommate, I don't know if I've mentioned it yet, but I really lucked out. She's friendly and a generally awesome person). They invite me to dinner sometimes if I'm within eye sight and they're headed out. I know they like me thoughh. Because they will smile and wave and talk to me. They are all pretty awesome people and I'm not part of the inner group anyway. My inner group is Chandler and Sam, so its totally okay. Kay, I'll stop being insecure now. Whenever Nic is around and not home, I have him to hang out with =). When I don't have either of those people, I could go into the lounge. The great thing about everyone here is that they are very accepting and friendly. There have been nights that I've just stayed up late, hanging out with the people in the lounge.

Ahh, the lounge. The perfect place to people watch. And movie watch. And hang out with people. Sometimes, Sam and I bake. We made these delicious no bake frozen cookie dough balls. They were quite popular here in Avila lounge. Cookie dough is a much loved thing in college. No, you know what? Food in general is much loved. Decary, however, not so much. That's our cafeteria.

So I just went through registration. It was probably the most stressful experience I've ever had here. I found myself rocking back and forth. It was actually kind of scaring me. I had to eat candy so I didn't explode. Chandler and I were freaking out and Sam was just completely calm about it. Of course, she got into all her classes easy and was out of the library in ten minutes, maybe not even that much. But Chandler and I, oh we continued to freak out for a good half an hour there. They wouldn't let us into the Public Speaking course because it was “not part of our major”. Mr. Computer, that's an exploration course, the point is that it doesn't matter what your major is. Grr!! I'm instead taking an exploration course on friendship and relationships. It sounds kinda stupid, sure, but it might actually end up being interesting.

I'm talking to Jenna right now and I'm really missing Sound School. Matthew came up to visit me over the weekend, and I was so happy. Alex sent me a letter from Nova Scotia and I was almost jumping up and down in joy. I love you guys all so much... I guess Eco Adventure went canoeing. I'm so upset they didn't do that with us. Last time I checked, Jamie and Alex and I and maybe even Jazmin are gonna go back to Eco Adventure someday. Jenna says the new freshman in the group aren't like us. Which is so sad. Its just Sam, Jenna, and Isabel to hold the old feeling of the group together.

You probably don't know what I'm talking about. So Eco Adventure was an afterschool program I was part of in high school. The program was supposed to be a place where we went out for geocaches (don't know what that is? Well, Rocket does, so you should so shhh. Look it up or remain a muggle) and learned about the environment and stuff. Well, we did a bit of that. Meanwhile, we formed quite a bond with each other and harassed the teachers who ran it (in a very loving way, I promise). We would go out in the woods and Jamie would run around holding a stick and Jenna and Jazmin and Sam would wander away. Paula and Kim would freak out....Alex would pet thing she was allergic too. It was just great.

But I digress hugely. So college. Right. Um, well, right now I'm tired. I'm sorry I never finished that story about Eric, its not that hugely important. I got introduced to Eric, we hang out for a really long time and long story short we become good friends. With Sam and Eric I found my first comfort zone here in college and to them I am eternally grateful. Alright, I wanna play some Sims before bed. I sure sound social, don't I? XD Night.

PS. This is probably the first time people from UNE will read this blog. First of all, if I mention you (especially at orientation) please know that I am not super creepy. I just was observing a lot. Making memories for myself. And if you are in my blog, it means you left an impression on me and an impact somehow on my college life. So be proud, okay? And never mention it to me ever. Because I will turn into a tomato. A very ripe tomato.

Friday, September 14, 2012


Guesss what?  I have a social life.  Yes, its amazing.  Also, mildly hindering with work.  Mildly.  But I'm getting it done.  I have a nice lovely list of homeworks I need to do this weekend.  I already crossed some things off my to-do list, like clean the room and put away laundry.  Cleaning the room was a disgusting process.  I used a Swiffer and it ended up with all sorts of grime on the bottom of it.  It was also nice to clean the room of the hair it was collecting.  It seems that Lauren and I shed very often.

So right now I have a break in my life because I'm waiting for Eric to text me back.  That's why I figured I'd turn to you.  Cuz I haven't update this in a very long time.  So long, you don't even know who Eric is.  Let me back up two weeks.

There I was, watching the Avengers with Sam.  Then, she's like, "Oh, I'm gonna go give a friend over there some company."  I was like, "Derp."  Or I said okay.  Okay seems more likely, derp is more fun.  Anyways, I was sitting next to some other girl too (Pilar, she's from Hawaii), so its not like I was alone.  Then Pilar went back to the dorm because she was cold.  I look over at Sam and she motions for me to come sit with them.  So I do.

Fast forward to the end of the movie.  I get introduced to friend (who is Eric, if you haven't figured that out yet.)

Oh wait, he just texted me.  dinner time. like a week.

Thursday, August 30, 2012


Lauren and I might go to New Hampshire this weekend!  We'd be visiting Mattchu...urm, Matthew.  I didn't want to go alone and she had nothing to do as far as she knows, so it should be fun.

That is all.

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Yay for Haunted Dorms!

I just watched a scary movie!  Excellent.  I feel great now.  Actually, no, I'm quite happy.  I enjoyed myself watching it.  I was with my buddies.  I'm kinda afraid that I'm a slight bother to them.  But its not like I make all that much noise.  I should just stop being paranoid.  I like them, I'm gonna hang out with them.  I'm only a partial member of their group because ya really miss a lot sitting down at the other end of the hall.  Plus, I have other people to hang out with and such.

So I'm a bit worried because an ambulance pulled up to my building and took someone from the first floor.  I texted Karen, but she hasn't answered me.  I really hope it wasn't her.  Its funny because of Papa John's car pulled up right next to the ambulance.  Someone was hungry!  And a bit insensitive...

So yeah! Today was the first day of classes.  I had four classes today.  It was slightly hectic.  I was only able to get back to my dorm after one of my classes and that was Chemistry.  I have a feeling I'm gonna like Chemistry.  Not only am I quite good at the subject, but the professor seems really fun.  He gives off the crazy old man vibe.  The most tricky commute is going to be traveling across campus in ten minutes.  Now that I know where the class is, I should be alright, but its still quite difficult.

I'm not feeling exceptionally creative tonight.  I don't feel like writing much.  Roommate is actually out.  I checked her bed, don't worry.  I'm not gonna have a rerun of the first night.  I don't know when she has classes tomorrow.  I could go look, but I don't feel like creepin' at her desk.  I have a three o'clock class, so guess who's sleeping in?! =D  That is the excitement of college.  Sleeping in.

Today, they had some reception for the people who got the Presidential Scholarship, aka me.  And other people, of course.  I really didn't want to go because I don't like going anywhere alone, especially if its across the street and through a tunnel or even anywhere I haven't been before.  But I was walking back from one of my classes and I heard some girls behind me talking about it.  I was so excited!  So I ended up going with them and Sam. Which is great.  I finally got Sam's number, so I can contact her when I need someone to chill with.  Or Karen.  Or JoLonna.  Look at me, racking up all these numbers?

The last required event of this Welcome Week was a motivational speaker type guy.  It was a presentation called 101 Things to Do Before You Graduate.  He suggested a lot of things, like go to class one day in a costume (that's not Halloween) or try something that you know you'll fail at.  I'm not entirely sure how these are supposed to make me feel good.  Anyway, the one that really stuck out to me is try to abstain from something that holds you back for thirty days.  He listed off a few things and one of them is shyness.  Now, I may not seem it from my blatant pouring out of feelings and thoughts on this blog, but I am really shy.  I've done pretty well talking to people, but sometimes I'll be with a group of people and I won't want to say something.  I got Jamie on Oovoo last night and I was afraid to speak because my roommate was in the room.  I'm not entirely sure if I think they'll charge at my throat for speaking or that I'm too afraid I'll bother them, but I just physically can't speak sometimes.  I have a fear of people not liking me, and unfortunately there are some people in this world who probably don't like me.  I personally can't face that fact.  To get to the point, maybe I'll try to stop being shy.  I need to reach out there and talk to people.  I found multiple people in a class of about 80 who loved me for who I am.  I was able to be my awkward, intelligent, blonde self and freak out about jellyfish and chat over a smelly fish tank filled with Long Island Sound fish about topics ranging from completely serious to absolutely ridiculous.  You would think in a school this size, 2500 people, I would find somebody.  I just have to wait.  And hope its who I already have.