Monday, August 20, 2012


I'm going to college in six days.  Wow.  I've got my roommate (Her name is Lauren.  She comes from Pennsylvania.) and a room.  Karen is in the same dorm, so I get to hang out with her all the time.  ...we are going to have fun.  I think after I get all moved in, take a couple pictures (for Devin's sake, she wants dorm pictures), get to know Lauren a bit more, I will then high tail it down to Karen.  I don't want to leave Lauren all alone though so I'll see how it happens.  I can't really plan things out because when I try to plan things, I plan them too closely.  And obviously, we all know that humans will not act perfectly by my plan.  Because for some reason, people can't read my mind.  But maybe its better that way.

So prepping for college has been going somewhat slowly.  A week or so ago, I decided the best way to get ready for college was to run away to Cape Cod with Alex.  We spent five days with her grandparents, eating cherries and cheese.  The beach and biking and a road race.  I had a British guy dunk two cups of water on my head.  Fantastic, dude.  Thanks.  We were helping at a water station, if that explains absolutely anything.  Alex and I camped outside a few nights in her little two person tent.  It was tiny.  My sleeping bag would have been able to fill the whole tent up.  Of course, my sleeping bag is a monster and king-sized and hers is a little mummy sleeping bag half the size of mine.  My face was right next to zipper to get out of the tent, so I used a hair tie to lock the zippers together just in case an ax murderer decided to get us.  I think it worked, because we didn't wake up dead. Or not wake up at all.  We spent a good amount of time laughing, so it was time well spent.  Silly Alex is going all the way up to Canada.  Nova Scotia.  Grr...

Besides all those shenanigans.  I shopped at Target for college stuff.  That is my dream college shopping store.  I don't really know why.  Someone tried to suggest Ikea. Shush, person.  Shush.  I have a theme for my dorm room stuff.  Red and black.  And polka dots! Boo yah!  I'm not entirely sure why I'm so excited right now.  I don't have everything yet, so I'm gonna drag my mom to Target again tomorrow, I think.  If I have time.

I had a family going away party yesterday, and a "Last Hurrah" at a Shakespeare play with my friends, and a manhunt game with cousins/their friends/my friends, so I've had a lot of fun.  Right now I need to pack clothes.  So buh bye!

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